Working and living abroad doesn’t only imply changing your work location - there is a range of cultural differences involved to which you will sooner or later have to adapt. Some of these cultural differences are so subtle that it’s hard to really notice and become fully aware of them. Still, they do have an impact on your working life and wellbeing.
In Coaching Across Cultures you are assisted to cope with being effective in a new cultural environment. Differences and ways and options to adapt and achieve results are explored and experienced through coaching sessions and by implementing learning.
Besides my knowledge and education as a coach I draw on my international experience. After graduating as a Psychologist (Master of Social Sciences) I have been living and working abroad for six years. For the first four years I worked as a communications facilitator and trainer with two non-profit development organisations in poor areas of São Paulo, Brazil. Then I worked for two years in a Chinese orphanage in Guang Zhou, Guangdong Province.
For the past three years I have been working as a coach and trainer at ‘Lives in Transition’ located in the greater New York area. An organization facilitating and providing support to those making a new step in their career. Currently I’m based in the Hague - in the Netherlands - and working with my clients in the United States, over Europe, in Africa and Latam.